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Confessions of an Eyelash Extension Addict!!!

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For all of the ladies out there who can identify with these symptoms…..this is devoted to you!


My Love for those Individual Eyelashes began many moons ago and who would have thought they would become somewhat of an obsession. No, not just a treat, something for a special occasion or even a holiday it became a weekly obsession. Yes, I would rank it up there with ‘just as important as the weekly food shop’.   Although I have to admit (which as an eyelash addict admission doesn’t come easy). I joke with a fellow eyelash obsessed friend that we would rather go without food than sacrifice our lash infill fix.

My love grew further as I found the perfect Eyelash Technician and someone who I can now call a friend. Our weekly obsessions quickly became a sociable experience as well as the extra benefit of walking out of my appointment with the feeling of fluttering lashes again. How I love the feeling of those soft Russian Lashes brushing across the top of my eyelids. The second I would sit in my car I would find myself admiring the beauties in my rear view mirror. The danger of driving and unbeknown catching a glimpse of my newly infilled wonderful eyelashes could sometimes cause too much distraction.

I knew I had issues when I used to become anxious if my lash tech was going on holiday. I would often ring around other girls to see if I could get an appointment, but then that nervous feeling that they wouldn’t be quite the same. Or on the very rare occasions were our diaries didn’t match and I had to wait a little longer between infill’s…struggling to look in the mirror at the lack of lashes and trying unsuccessfully to fill in the gaps with mascara. It’s funny how I always felt the need to apologise for the lack of lashes on those appointments were a top up was desperately needed. Suppose this is no difference to apologising to the hairdresser for having “greasy hair” before having it washed anyway before the wash and blow.

The feeling of looking in the mirror after a much needed top up is amazing, somewhat a boost in confidence. Strangely enough there are some odd things I like about having lashes here are a few of my favourites:

  • The odd “drooper” that decides at the most inopportune moment to get stuck to you bottom lashes kinda forcing your eye into an unfortunate wink….this for some reason only happens when I’m talking to my boss (male boss) and I have to subtly as possible prise it off and continue like what has just happened is perfectly normal.
  • I love it when a set is complete and some are stuck to the bottom and you have to pop them, nothing more satisfying even though the lash technician looks on rather worriedly.
  • Finding the little buggers literally everywhere including one on my sons you know whatty when he was about 5.
  • My son calling them feathers and kids in general being quite fascinated by them, especially those kids who have not seen them before.

Lashes are for life, I know and have come to accept that I will be 70 odd in the bingo and not being able to see the number…not for problems such as failing eye sight but for my fluttery gorgeous lashes.


Big thanks to our Guest blogger GT for writing this, I never realised how addictive these lashes can be! I thought you just liked seeing us every week!

Keep checking back for our next blog "What keeps your clients coming back"


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